East India Minerals Ltd. (EIML), a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956, is primarily engaged in Iron Ore Mining operation, processing and marketing of the same both in the domestic and international market. The Company started operation in 1999 and over the years, has established itself as a most reliable, customer friendly and quality conscious Company with an utmost commitment to its customers to meet their desired requirement within the stipulated time frame..... » read more
Railway Siding
The Company is in the process of setting up of a Sponge Iron Plant and a Mini Steel Unit for production of Rolled products, and also a Ferromanganese Plant
EIML operates two mines, Thakurani Iron Mine and Roida Iron Mine, located in the eastern limb of the famous “Horse Shoe” synclinorium of Jamda – Koira Valley in Keonjhar district of Odisha, India
EIML, is one of the very few operating mines, in Barbil-Barajamda sector who own their rail infrastructure and Private Railway Siding.